The birth chart is a barcode of your life and is based on the exact location of your birth, how the stars and planets were placed at this particular minute of a particular day. If you move yourself in space and choose different place (city or country) for living, the scenarios of life can be little bit different. Thus, for instance, some women have difficulty with getting pregnant at the place/city where they were born but relocation helps to change the accents and influence and the scenario of your life changes little bit and a women is able to become a mother after the relocation.
Please provide me with the following information:
1. Date of birth
2. Place of birth (including state for USA)
3. Time of birth
I will prepare my analysis within 5 business days.
You will receive audio file with my relocation consult and a JPG file with the map where I mark what areas in the world astrologically is good for you to relocate to. Sometimes its better to stay where you are and relocation is not needed, in this case I will let you know about it.
Product code: RELOCATION store - place to live