I experienced a heavy depression, I was in a black hole or I no longer saw any future. One day, I said stop and gradually began to take an interest in personal development, meditation and the law of attraction. All this completely changed my life, I felt better in my head, I resumed the sport, I began to have a stable pace of life. However, I was missing something important to structure my life even better, to manage my time, that's how I decided to create my own personal development agenda very complete in my opinion.
I couldn't find anything on the market that really suited me, there was store always something missing and I quickly gave up my routine. My agenda is hypra complete, it accompanies me in my personal but also professional life. I note my goals, my intentions but also my evolution. Everything is organized to progress every day, week, month and year.
You can buy this agenda in pre-order, each agenda will be personalized with a little note inside according to your story.
Product code: Personalized agenda - store Personal development