Activation of the chakra system of the NEW TIME - more lightness in your life
DistanceEnergyTransfer and healing of your chakras
The 7 main chakras
The chakras are subtle energy centers. Funnel-shaped from the body to the outside, they turn around sometimes to the right (absorbing energy) and sometimes to the left (releasing energy). They are located on the front and back of the body. They serve in our energy system as a receiving station, as well as a distributor of the differently frequented cosmic love power. This life force allows us, in the course of our lives, to tap into and perfect all the abilities and forces that are active on the various energetic and material levels of creation, as well as to bring them appropriately into life.
When a chakra is blocked, not enough physical and mental energy can flow, and we may become sick, depressed, or anxious. Through energetic or other work, these blockages can slowly dissolve, energy jams can be reduced and feelings of fear, insecurity, unfulfillment and separation can be released. When the obstacles are removed, the life energy can flow freely again. The clarification and healing of the chakras is one of our main tasks on the spiritual path. If we activate the chakras, we create the conditions for self-regulation and healing of various physical, mental and spiritual problems through the distribution of cosmic energy in this system.
To the clairvoyant eye, the chakras appear funnel-shaped and colored. Only in modern times and with increasing light absorption do the membranes dissolve, and the chakras become round again and change their colors. When all these membranes are loosened, we are able to go back to the United Chakra. In the United Chakra, the heart chakra is the center, the center, where you are absolutely protected. The United Chakra is the preparation for activating the merkaba or star tetrahedron.
Cosmic consciousness, energy of reality, feelings of truth, attachment to God, spirituality, inspiration, openness
An open free-flowing crown chakra causes a constant expansion of consciousness, spiritual growth and the realization of one's own soul plan. It enables us to gain the highest insights into cosmic contexts through direct inner vision, the union with the All-Being – All that is – angels, masters, planetary beings and much more. We come to universal consciousness.
A disharmony in the crown chakra arises when we do not acknowledge truth.
We block ourselves from letting the energies from reality into the body systems and try to escape spiritual development. We are prone to evaluation and self-evaluation and cannot feel the connection to the spiritual world or to ourselves.
Color in the United Chakra: White
Helpful Power: Angel Jophiel
Crystal and Mantra in the Elohim Language: HY'LA'ANAR – The Perfect Light of Divine Reflection
Knowledge of one's own path and one's own tasks, mental overview, wisdom, self-realization, intuition, expansion of consciousness, invigorates intuition and mental power, clairvoyance
An open free-flowing 3rd eye allows us to see the essence of all things. Now it is possible to really recognize everyone and everything in his soul. Intuition and mental power are strengthened – we see through untruthfulness. Full consciousness, wholeness and autonomy, the abilities that lie store hidden here, as well as the development of inner senses, projections of wills, manifestations and imaginations.
In the inharmonious state, a feeling of fatigue and stress may appear. We are caught up in the collective and no longer see the way out. A feeling of pressure in the head can also set in, or the feeling of being locked up (even in one's own body). We are content with what is without questioning it and accept compromises. Doubt and anger can also be a sign of a disharmony of the 3rd eye. We deny our own abilities, and it is difficult for us to acknowledge that we are more than just human.
Color in United Chakra: turquoise
Helpful Power: Archangel Zadkiel
Crystal and Mantra in the Elohim Language: AM'RINA – Divine Primordial Power Vibrates in My Abilities
Expression of individuality, self-respect, self-confidence, inner consolidation
An open, free-flowing throat chakra allows us to integrate openness and honesty into life. The feeling of personal freedom and insight in everyday situations is the order of the day. Dignity and one's own authority are lived as well as faith and trust. It is easy for us to find a creative expression of what and what constitutes with words. We feel wide and open.
A disharmony in the throat chakra can make us feel small and not dare to speak our own opinion. We don't feel taken seriously and have low self-esteem. Indefinite fears can plague us, and we are easily thrown off balance or have a hard time keeping it.
Color in the United Chakra: violet
Helpful Power: Elohim Vista
Crystal and mantra in the Elohim language: LI'MA'VA – father and mother principle, swings in freedom.
Unconditional Love, Human Love (Partnership), Forgiveness, Hope, Compassion and Trust
With an open heart chakra, it is possible to show yourself as we really are. It balances body, mind and soul and promotes love, compassion and healing. Love is the greatest healing power in life, it comes through helpfulness, helping each other. When we let our inner light shine, the colors of our aura shine, and we attract the partner who is really suitable. Being able to forgive everything and everyone is the liberation of all karmic memories.
Disharmonies in the heart chakra can lead to anger and fear. As well as restlessness and restlessness. It is difficult to take and keep one's own place in life.
Color in the United Chakra: rose and green
Helpful Powers: Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Rafael
Crystal and Mantra in the Elohim Language: SAI'DA'SVA – Unconditional Love for the Divine
Devotion, faith, clairvoyance, the life of one's own abilities, experiencing justice, courage, joy and strength
With an open solar plexus chakra, we are able to easily process all feelings and experiences. Emotions are released, and we radiate joy and vitality. In devotion we do not need to do, only to be. In the ONE BEING, everything we need flows to us. The development of one's own personality is complete, and WE shape our being according to our ideas. Influence and decisiveness are paired with wisdom and abundance.
A disharmony in the solar plexus chakra can give us the feeling of not being needed. Feeling yourself and letting go of everything else is hard. We hold on to the old and block ourselves against the outside and against change.
Color in the United Chakra: red
Helpful Power: Archangel Uriel
Crystal and mantra in the Elohim language: RA'DA'SHA'NORI – light of life, expression of trust and security
Human love/relationships, self-love, warmth and security, security, joy, happiness, fantasy, cheerfulness, agreement, emotional and vital identity
With an open and healthy sacral chakra, it is possible to feel and live gratitude and all original feelings. We are in flux and can enjoy life as it is. Building relationships - even love relationships are easy for us.
A disharmony in the sacral chakra can make us feel denied to life, relationships, or being. We cannot love and acknowledge ourselves as we are and instead seek love and recognition on the outside.
Color in The United Chakra: yellow
Helpful Power: Master Kuthumi
Crystal and mantra in the Elohim language: YA'NA – the balancing joy
Basic trust, willpower, success, manifestation of thoughts, power.
With an open and healthy root chakra, we feel strongly connected to the earth. Nothing can knock us over, we stand with both feet firmly out of the earth and burst with strength and assertiveness. We have regulated our everyday life, and everything has its order. Full of basic trust, we live safely in the material world. Everything flows to us, and we are able to easily overcome even difficult hurdles.
A disharmony in the root chakra can manifest itself through the feeling of helplessness towards oneself and life. We feel like we are in a cage and long for freedom.
Color in The United Chakra: blue
Helpful Power: Archangel Michael
Crystal and mantra in the Elohim language: AL'SHA'RA – The primordial force of life and the sun.
We will arrange an appointment where you can lie down and rest.
Please turn off all sources of interference (telephone, music, TV,. etc.) and receive these wonderful energies.
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Product code: Initiation store of the chakras into the energy of the NEW TIME