For the very first time, these historical documents are being assembled and made available for sale individually and collectively on the internet. Jack London's Death Certificate and all the 10 Death Certificates of fascinating people that figured prominently into Jack's short and interesting life. The mother Flora, both wives Elizabeth ( Bess ) & Charmian, his two daughters Becky ( Bess ) & Joan, the friend and saloon owner Johnny Heinold who gave him a job, money for college and encouraged him to pursue his writing career, Eliza Shepard, his half sister who managed his ranch, close friend and poet George store Sterling and his wife and Jack's friend Carrie Sterling and finally, the Magician and friend Harry Houdini.
The detailed and personal information on these documents will show you who the (informant ) the first person that was notified upon their untimely death. Personal address and exact time and location of death and finally, the controversial cause of death on some of the death certificates. These documents will ultimately reveal the common thread that will forever links George Sterling, his wife Carrie and Jack's death together.
These death certificate sells for $11.95 each or, if you purchase 10 @ $119.50 we will
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We hope that you'll find these historical documents as fascinating as we do. Thanks, for shopping.
Product code: All 11 Jack London Related Death Certificates store