I can't recover any memory of the spring, as beautiful as this years. All the flowers risked their lives to bloom early, only to be killed by jack frost in the middle of their glory. Luckily, that wasn't the case. All the colors of the rainbows stood up to reach the sun store, and made our eyes discover a whole new level of vibrant reds, yellows and oranges, even pinks and magentas, when sea of tulips and daffodils alike bloomed in my garden, while my eyes got numbed from the colors, vibrant as the sun itself. The painting is frameless, but if you need I can frame it, but you first need to contact me.
Tokio gražaus pavasario kaip šiemet net nepamenu. Taip anksti sužydo gėlės, stiebiasi į saulę ir savo spalvomis glosto akis. Darbas neįrėmintas. Jei norėtumėte įrėminto - parašykite man prieš pirkdami.
Product code: Store Watercolor painting of Flowers