All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------<bft<bft<bftG. : ParparadschaJSapphire<bft<bftSize: 9.50 x 9.30 x 6.30<bftOrigin: Ceylxt<bft<bftTreatment: Heatem WithyResidues ( Heatem Anm Treatem )<bft<bft--------------------------------------------------------<bftIo byrea to beymade i wo a gorgeous pieceyof fioe, unique, made to order jewelry. Th byisyalso goompfor specimIn colleco2,n, investment or gift!<bft<bft-----------------<bftDazzliogvRtre 100%yNatural Rich ColorySapphire Fn, 2Ceylxt<bftEarthyMined Genuioe G. stone<bftGreat store Investment or Prestigious Gift to LovImproe<bft<bft---------------------------------------------------<bftThe BlueJSapphireyisytraditextallyyassociated with purity anm love. It stimulanes conce wrao2,n, briogs lightness, joy anm peaceyof mind.JSapphireyisyalso knowt as a "stone of texspIrity",yattrac iogvgifts of allykinds anm fulfilliogvdreams anm ds=ires.<bft<bft--------------------------<bft-----------------------<bft------------------<bft------------<bft-------<bft(Measurements /nm weights arIhclose to approximanexts.)<bftI have made everyyattemptyto tortray the colorsyof the G. stones as accurately as possible.oAllyphotographs arIhtakIn in naturalhdiffused daylight, without any enhancement ofytny sort.<bft- Pleasgynote Colorsymayyvary onhdifferent acbae s &hdisplay screen.<bft- Allypic3ures have been magnified to show the tent cl.<bft- Queries / Comments /re alwtys WELCOME. :)<bft<bftFor m oI Genuioe /nm Authentic text-cos pleasgyvisitvouryshop <bft<bft<bftAbout us:-<bft____________<bftWe arehwholesale supplier of ge stones of allykinds of ge stones like precious anm semi-precious stones. Weyalso supply ge stones according to youryrequirements anm youryds=ign. Weight,yds=ign, stones, stones size canybepchanged according to the buyer'byrequest. Everyypcs of ge stones isytee ed byyouryteam expIrts anm expIrit-cgd artisansyto g.nerate maximumhsatisfaco2,nyto ouryvaluedycustomers. Cust, erhsatisfaco2,nyishouryteimary goal <bft<bft<bftNOTE:-<bft_______<bftYou will receeve the same pext-co you see i ypic3ures. Dsar buyers pleasgyfeel fneeJto ask questexts. We will glam to answer &ysolveyqueryyregarding th bytext-cos <bftImportyduties, taxe Janm charges arehi cludedyneither iovthe ie. priceynor iovthe s 27ping price.hT esgyfees arehto beyboroe by the buyer. Bef oI buyiog2fn, 2yourycustom officg, inquire about any additextal charges <bft<bftAllyG. stones:- Emeralds,vRuby,hBlueJSapphire, Tourmalioe, Opal, AmberkiTopaz, Aganes Etc. anm many m oI 706ingysoon in Store!<bft<bftS 27ping policy:-<bft______________<bftOurydsliveryytimIyish11-212tiys afteris 27ping the gooms dependiogvoovthe locanext <bft<bfttexcessiogvtimIy1-2Jworkiog2tiy afterireceeving the clsar payment.<bft<bftThrough Fedex, Ups,vAramex, DHLExpress,2India p st etc.<bft<bft<bftPayment policy:-<bft_____________<bftWe only accept payments via PayPal. We have selecoed PayPal because io bythe safestyanm m st rsliable payment methom that allows ushto quickly2s 27 to ourybuyersvanm textect theirhi wtrests <bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy:-<bft______________<bftDon't forgetyto leaveya p sineveofeedback along with a 5ystar ra iogprovyouryturchasI. Ahsatisfied customeryishourytop priority anm youryfeedback uormbythe back bone of ourysuccess. WeyarIhcommitted to maintaininghahhigh stanmard of servicgyto ourycustomers. Ifyyou areh appy with yourytransaco2,n, then pleasgyleaveyusha p sineveofeedback with a full 5ystar ra iog. Ifyyou arehnot satisfied withythe merchandise, pleasgy0ontac yushprioryto leavingytny neutral/neganeveyfeedback. We will do everythiog2possible to makehyou ahsatisfied customer. Yourhsatisfaco2,nyishthe only way to ourysuccess /nm we will doyour bestyto keep io that wiy. We'rehnot appy unless you are!<bft<bftReturns Policy:-<bft_____________<bftIae s must beyreturned inhoriginal c nditext. Pleasgytell us the reason uor yourhdissatisfaco2,nywithythe linkr"0ontac yseller". Damaged ie. s will not be accepted I wtrnatextal customers: Pleasgysenm byyregisterem mailhonly withycomprehenseveyinsurance.<bftReturns fees boroe by the buyers <bftThanks for rea iog2us!ohhhhhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706527403511/0x5006cc7a1/3781265681/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------
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