Rainbow Moonstone Spirit Quartz necklace, store Magic Moonstone necklace, Spirit Quartz necklace, Clay crystal necklace
store ✨“Nirvana” ✨High flash Magical Rainbow Moonstone with Spirit Quartz handsculpted in clay on a 30 in adjustable brown suede cord.
Rainbow Moonstone~
• Psychic protection
• Promotes sleep/lucid dreaming
• Enhances intuition/clairvoyance
• Helps is to master our emotions
• Promotes self expression
• Travelers stone/ protective stone
• Stone of the goddess & divine feminine energy
• Purity, innocence & unity
• Connects us to moon cycles/energy
• White healing light
• Deflects negativity
• Eases emotional trauma
• Stimulates Kundalini energy
• Cleanses/dispels negativity from ALL chakras
• Crown chakra, Sacral chakra & Third Eye chakra
Spirit Quartz~
* Universal love
* Brings balance to feminine/masculine aspects
* Karmic justice
* Enhances all metaphysical abilities
* Activated all energy centers
* Powerful healer
* Regeneration/Rebirth
* Promotes group consciousness
* Self forgiveness
* Harmony
* Purity
* Unity
* Fertility