Baby quilt..on store SALE..FREE SHIPPING.. toddler quilt, mad for plaid whole cloth, baby girl quilt, crib quilt, car seat quilt
store This purple/lavender/lime green plaid whole cloth quilt is perfect for that bright nursery.
size :: 36" x 36"
front :: purple/lavender/lime green, white crisp plaid
back :: lime green scroll with a shadow print of gray and green herribone
binding :: deep purple with medium purple polka dots
batting :: Hobbs 80/20 (cotton/poly)
thread :: lime green poly/cotton
quilting :: large design of paisley, swirls and feathers
laundry instructions :: machine wash in cold on gentle cycle. Machine dry. Do not use bleach or fabric softener, liquid or sheets, as this is a chemical that settles on the fabric and can dull the colors making the black look like it has faded.
This quilt has been washed and dried for that crinkle look.
If this quilt is not your style be sure to check back as I plan to be making more of these whole cloth baby quilts for both boys and girls from current and vintage materials.