Beach Bridal Bouquet of Purple store Garden Roses Orchids and Hydrangea with Diamonds Pearls Starfish Sand Dollars Sea Grasses
This is a really beautiful bouquet, I made for a Bride that loves those purple dendrobium orchids. She loves purple! It turned out perfect and lush and full.
All Mixed Purple and White hydrangeas mixed with lots of different shades of dark deep purple color, a touch of diamond trims too! All with strands of pearls running through this great looking bouquet! It's a store bigger Bridal bouquet at 9-10 inches and nice and full! Just stunning!!
I added little white seashells that hold a pearl, also the starfishes and sand dollars.
I can make a matching purple trimmed boutonniere using a rose, with a white pencil starfish.
A wonderful combo for your beach wedding.
Total price for the two is $140
Please contact me for other photos of this bouquet and matching items. The colors are very popular and beautiful.