Dusty Pink Mauve Roses, Burgundy Bridal Bouquet, Real store Touch Roses, Wedding Bouquets Silk Bridal Bouquets
Thank you so much!
Keep the confidence and we will tide over the difficulties together!
This is one bridal bouquet, just as pictures, with real store touch roses in dusty mauve pink, burgundy and off white, with willow eucalyptus greenery, 10inchX17inch, USD128. ~~Custom orders~~
We can create the bouquet just as the pictures or contact me today and we can start planning your custom wedding flower package!
Also could custom colors, we have more than 25colors calla lilies, many roses. Contact with us for more details.
More bouquets:
~Something about real touch flowers~
Real touch flowers are the luxury choice among all the artificial flowers. The color, texture, and even the feel to touch are exceeding other artificial flowers.
The flowers are made of high quality raw materials and with state-of-art technology that gives the flowers the look and feel of natural flowers, and has excellent elasticity and flexibility, and also carries fantastic color gradations.
You will be amazed!
***All items and photos are copyrighted and solely belong to Dexin Floral.
***Due to individual monitor settings, items' colors may appear slightly different in person.