MILK VETCH Herb 4lb (1814g) ORGANIC Dried store Bulk Tea, Astragalus Glycyphyllos Herba /Available qty from 2oz-4lbs/

MILK VETCH Herb 4lb (1814g) ORGANIC Dried store Bulk Tea, Astragalus Glycyphyllos Herba /Available qty from 2oz-4lbs/, ORGANIC Dried MILK VETCH HERB CUT ( Astragalus glycyphyllos ) Medicinal Herbs are in use for thousand.
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Product code: MILK VETCH Herb 4lb (1814g) ORGANIC Dried store Bulk Tea, Astragalus Glycyphyllos Herba /Available qty from 2oz-4lbs/

ORGANIC Dried MILK VETCH HERB CUT ( Astragalus glycyphyllos ). Medicinal Herbs are in use for thousand of years and are renowned for their effectiveness in many diseases.


Listing Item Weight: 64oz (1814g)

Botanical name: Astragalus Glycyphillos

Common Names: Liquorice Milk-vetch, Wild Liquorice, Wild Licorice

Habitat: Light-filled forest margins, ballast soil deposits, roadsides.

Flowering time: June-July.

Plant Description: Height: 50-120 cm (20-50 in.). Stem ascending, angular and winding, bristly, glabrous.

Flower: Corolla zygomorphic, dirty pale yellow, 10-15 mm (0.4-0.6 in.) long; the upstanding the �standard, the lateral two the �wings, the lower two united to form the �keel, overall shape store of corolla being butterfly-like. Keel often darker than other parts. Calyx glabrous, 5-lobed, lobes narrow. Stamens 10, filaments fused at base. A single carpel. Inflorescence a dense, 5-15-flowered raceme. Flower-stalk about half the length of subtending bracts.

Leaves: Alternate, stalked, stipulate. Blade pinnate, 3-7-paired, with terminal leaflet. Leaflets 2-4 cm (0.8-1.6 in.), broadly elliptic-ovate, blunt, with entire margins. Stipules ovate, sharp-tipped.

Fruit: 2-4 cm (0.8-1.6 in.) long, curved, narrow, sharp-tipped, with 2 compartments, many-seeded, pendent, indehiscent pod (legume)
In Finland liquorice milkvetch is found in the wild only in parts of the south-west of the country. In Europe the species is cultivated as a fodder plant. Liquorice milkvetch tastes rather sweet and a bit like liquorice, as its name suggests. Its scientific name glycyphyllos also refers to this sweet flavour - glyks means sweet and phyllos means leaves. However, the flavouring in factory-made liquorice usually come from sweet liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), which also belongs to the Pea family.

Plant Part Used: The whole plant

Country of origin : BULGARIA

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