Antique Drei Marchen By Hauff, William store / German Children's Book Collection / Der arme Spielmann Grillparzer, Franz Anton Schroll
Antique Drei Marchen By Hauff, William / German Children's Book Collection / Der arme Spielmann Grillparzer, Franz Anton Schroll
A lovely little VERY RARE collection of German children's published by Anton Scholl books including, Drei Marchen By Hauff, William with 16 original lithographs by Fritzi Low, this book is quite rare and sells on line for well over $200.00. The collection also includes; Der Arme Spielmann Grillparzer, Franz, (Clothes make people) Kleider Machen Leute Keller, Gottfried, (There Were Two Royal Children) Es Waren Königliche Kinder, Theodor Glorm, (The Heath Village) Das Heidedorf,
Adalbert, Romanische Machen, Hoffmann, Das Majorat (missing its back board), Eichendorff, Aus Dem Leben Eines Traugenichts Die Glucksritter.
Liebesgevichte (Love Poems). All the books are old and are in fair to good condition for their age.
they each measure~~ 4.25" x 3.5"
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As with all vintage items they are full of fabulous store patina, love and age, this is what all of us that adore vintage love and expect.