Fluorite Purple, 9.3kg, Namibia, Fluorite Tumblestone, store Fluorite, Waterstone, Healing Stone, Fluorite Rainbow, Crystal, Minerals Wholesale
Buy fluorite cheaply from the wholesaler, kg goods free of charge, raw material at cheap wholesale prices, gemstones for jewelry, cheap purchases of healing stones
Buy raw material from the wholesaler at a reasonable price
Fluorite is one of store the most popular raw stones thanks to colour variations and a wide variety of crystal shapes. He has some of all the gems in him. He is also said to have healing powers. Fluorite is synonymous with fluorspar and is used as a flux in metal processing. Fluorite is a derivative of the Latin word "fluere" (to german: flow). Nowadays, fluorite is also used for the production of fluorine.
The purple fluorite, healing effect
The fluorite violet is one of the most important healing stones of all. The violet fluorite should be used as a healing stone preferably in case of concentration and learning difficulties. It increases the absorption capacity, provides clarity and understanding and sharpens the sense of order. Furthermore, this healing stone helps to rearrange life, to relieve fears and to make suppressed feelings aware. In addition, it can be used to discard one-sided perspectives and restrictive ways of life. The purple fluorite promotes intuition and sensitizes to love and friends. In addition, it gives emotional stability and inner harmony.